It's World Giraffe Day, an annual event initiated by Giraffe Conservation Federation to celebrate the longest-necked animal on the longest day of the year. These four unique designs depict this amazing animal as a potholder, an applique, and a plush toy.
G is for Giraffe from The Burgundy Basket
Giraffe Applique by Golden Lucy Crafts
Giraffe Potholder
Peaches & Cream cotton yarn – 1 ½ oz gold, ¼ oz dark taupe
Size G (4.00 mm) and J (6.00 mm) crochet hooks
Yarn needle
Row 1: Holding 2 strands of gold yarn together, ch 7, sc in 2nd ch from hook and each ch across (6 sc).
Row 2: Inc, sc in next 4 sc, 2 sc last st (8 sc).
Row 3: Inc, sc in next 6 sc, 2 sc last st (10 sc).
Row 4: Inc, sc in next 8 sc, 2 sc last st (12 sc).
Rows 5-7: Work even on 12 sc.
Rows 8-12: Dec over 1st 2 sts, sc across (7 sc at the end of Row 12).
Rows 13-14: Work even on 7 sc.
Rows 15-18: Inc, sc across (11 sc at the end of Row 18).
Rows 19-20: Work even on 11 sc.
Rows 21-23: Dec over 1st 2 sts, sc across, dec over last 2 sts (5 sc at end of Row 23). Do not fasten off gold.
EARS (Make 2):
Row 1: With 2 strands of dark taupe yarn, ch 5, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next 2 chs, 3 sc in last ch. Working on opposite side of starting ch, sc in each of next 3 chs. Fasten off dark taupe, leaving 4” length for sewing. Sew ears to sides of head at Row 22.
Pick up gold again, ch 1, turn. Sc in 1st st on top of head. For ossicone, ch 5, sl st in 4th and 5th chs. Sc in next 3 sts on top of head. Work another ossicone (ch 5, sl st in 4th and 5th chs), sc in last st on top of head. Working down side of head, sc in each row end down to the ear. Sc around the ear with 3 sc in tip of ear. Continue to work in sc down side of face. Using remaining loops of beginning ch, sc in each of the next 6 chs. Sc up side of face. Sc around ear with 3 sc in tip of ear, sc in remaining row ends to top of head. Join with sl st in 1st sc of edging.
NOSTRILS (Make 2):
Rnd 1: With G hook and single strand of dark taupe, ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook. Join. Fasten off. Sew to bottom portion of face at approximately Row 4.
EYES (Make 2):
Rnd 1: With single strand of dark taupe and G hook, ch 2, 3 sc, 2 hdc, 3 sc in 2nd ch from hook. Join with sl st in 1st sc. Fasten off. Sew to upper portion of face at approximately Row 18 with hdc at the upper outer portion of eye. (Use photo for nostril and eye placement. If larger eyes are desired, use single strand with size J hook.)
PDF Download available at Giraffe Potholder Crochet Pattern